Wednesday 29 July 2009

The Swine Flu Fiasco of 1976

In the 1976 swine flu fiasco millions heeded the call from the government's medical directors to get a swine flu shot because the "killer flu" was coming. Thousands of Americans were either killed or paralyzed but not from the flu - from the swine flu shot. There was no swine flu. 

2009 is going to be a replay of 1976 - perhaps worse because now they are going to vaccinate nearly everybody, including children - not just adults.

This is a poorly tested vaccine. How do we know this? Because it's only been tested for five days. That's right, you read that correctly - five days. Not everyone who gets a reaction drops dead or becomes paralyzed within a day or two of the shot. For others it may take weeks or months for neurological illness to come to the surface. By that time they probably won't even link it to the shot.

Do yourself and your family a favor - rely on natural methods of health and be wary of injecting any dangerous chemicals. Make sure you and your loved ones are free of health compromising subluxations.

Please view and pass on to all your friends and family this Sixty Minutes report on the swine flu of 1976:


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