Wednesday, 5 March 2008

More on Water

As I considered the costs of buying a water distiller, I thought it good to do more research on the subject and look at other means of cleaning water from the tap. There are ceramic water filters available, which are designed in a way that removes a lot of the bad stuff from water.

I currently have a small water filter jug with cartridges, made by Brita. This is effective in removing some things, but exactly how much I do not know. The ceramic filters seem to remove more, but, they fit into gravity filters that are larger than my current Brita filter. But they are cheaper than buying a water distiller. Also, a water distiller requires power and thus costs money to use, whereas a gravity filter uses just the force of gravity to do its work, and a well-designed filter (called, strangely enough, a filter candle, not the type of candle you light though). The ceramic filter contains micropores and also small particles of silver. The silver is anti-bacterial. The smallest gravity filter I saw has a capacity of 10 litres, which is quite a lot more than the 2 litres that I think the Brita filter jug holds. The water distiller comes with a container that holds 4 litres.

More research is required and I need to weigh up the pros and cons of each choice: 1. stick with current Brita water filter, 2. buy a water distiller, 3. buy a gravity filter with ceramic filter candles.

I know that fruit and vegetables contain distilled water, so consuming more of those, fresh and raw or lightly steamed, will also provide me with the distilled water that is so good at cleansing the body. I recently acquired a juicer (to make juice from fruits and vegetables, I got it free from a credit card after collecting enough points) and I plan to use that soon to make fresh natural juices.

This is not an ideal world, and some things that are good and beneficial are hard to get or expensive. Also each product makes claims on what it can remove and what it does not remove, and putting together all the information there does not seem to be one single product that entirely removes all the bad stuff from water.

But the best thing, the love and blessings of God, comes free. So I keep praying to God for healing and good health. I am concerned about my health and being healthy, and more so as I had an inguinal hernia last year, which was fixed by surgery. But surgery in itself does not heal the body. There must be an underlying cause of the hernia, and I need to find that and treat that, otherwise I could end up with another hernia. Cleansing the body and being healthy is a good step towards healing and avoiding hernias, and hence the interest in health, pure water, etc.

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