Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Dental Health

There are many people today with various dental problems, e.g. loose teeth, cavities, gum disease, missing teeth, fillings, root canals, dentures, braces.
But what can be done to prevent the problems and avoid unnecessary dental work?
There are some really good resources I found to help you in understanding what you can do.

There are books written by Dr. Robert O. Nara, c. 1979. He was a dental surgeon who pioneered a new dental way called Oramedics. He is now retired, but his work carries on at

You can listen to an interview with Dr. Nara on the One Radio Network at

His books are in the public domain, as Dr. Nara wants everyone to have the information contained therein, although some of the information is now out of date, e.g. it is now known that fluoride is  very bad, and does not do much at all to prevent or cure tooth decay. You can buy PDFs of the books at but as Dr. Nara said they are now free, you can search online and find the PDFs for free elsewhere.

The main books are: Money by the Mouthful, How to Become Dentally Self-Sufficient and Research Advocates Oramedics.

Also on the One Radio Network you can listen to interviews with Ramiel Nagel, author of Cure Tooth Decay. The interview is at and an earlier interview at

His book is available at Amazon at (USA) and (UK). His website is at

His main points are that we should eat the right sort of diet to make our teeth strong and healthy, especially getting enough quality calcium and vitamins. Especially of value is fermented cod liver oil, such as the Blue Ice fermented cod liver oil available from (in the UK) and (in the USA). It is available in different flavours, so look around on those sites for the one you want, either as a liquid or in capsules.

It is also good to eat quality butter, especially alpine butter which comes from cows grazing in the Alps on good quality grass. Butter from cattle that was not fed on grass is not so good (same applies to beef). Grass is the natural diet of cows so if they are fed something else, like grains, it can cause them to get sick. I personally take organic live yoghurt every day as well as having the alpine butter (without added salt).

By strengthening the body internally through proper diet, teeth can get stronger and more resistant to decay. Also avoid too much sugar, refined and processed foods, and avoid too much grain (especially wheat). I don't agree with all his conclusions (I don't think it is okay to eat everything that Ramiel Nagel suggests), but overall his book contains a lot of helpful information.

There is more information online if you keep looking.

One book I have found which might be helpful suggests using hydrogen peroxide to facilitate all kinds of healing, called The One-Minute Cure: The Secret to Healing Virtually All Diseases. You can get it from If you are interested in using hydrogen peroxide, make sure you get food grade 35% hydrogen peroxide, which should be added as a few drops in a glass of distilled water. Be sure to research this first before doing this as taking the wrong type of hydrogen peroxide (which might have other chemicals added) or taking too much can damage your health.

It works by providing extra oxygen to your body which promotes healing, as hydrogen peroxide is water with an extra oxygen atom, so the chemical symbol is H2O2 (instead of H2O for water).

Hydrogen peroxide, even at 35% strength, can burn your skin on contact and should never be taken internally undiluted.

Bad bacteria cannot survive well in an oxygen-rich environment, whereas the good bacteria you need in your gut benefits from oxygen. So putting more oxygen into your body helps kill off bad bacteria, and strengthens the cells in fighting off disease. The quality of air today in cities and towns is not as good as in the countryside and has less oxygen, maybe as low as 10%. It could be nearer 20% in a forest. So if you are not getting enough oxygen you can add more to your body, which, if you have health problems, including dental problems, will help fight off those problems and restore good health.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice share, keep it up.
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